Random home videos

I don't know what this will become yet. But, Google insisted on me giving them a URL when I uploaded a video to them, so I figured I'd better set something up. Let's see what happens!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dave cooks lasagne

Gordon Ramsay has a "cookalong" show here and is asking people to upload videos to Youtube of themselves cooking his recipes. Dave agreed kindly to oblige. Here's the highlights of this evening's lasagne cooking. :-)


History of Cricklewood

We attended two talks about the history of Cricklewood recently. We recorded both for posterity as figured it might be interest for future reference for others interested in the borough.

The first was by a long-time resident, Nora Marshall, talking about her experiences of living her during wartime. It was absolutely fascinating.

The second was by Malcolm Barres-Baker, who gave a slideshow and talk about the history of Cricklewood based on information from the local Brent museum archives. (This one starts off a little fuzzy, it wasn't till about 4 min in that we realised we had to zoom in in order for the slides to be in focus).
